One Campus for All

Segment #7 from Cerritos College


As an international student, Janvi knew finding the right college would be the key to her success as a future nurse. At Cerritos, she found an award-winning nursing program and an accepting community that helped her thrive. Janvi, you are up.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everyone. I was born in the Philippines and raised in India. I came to United States in 2019 as a junior in high school I always had a dream of getting my degree from one of the colleges in US and one day becoming a nurse. My older brother who also attends Cerritos College was my biggest inspiration in continuing my education. As an international student, It was very important for me to go to a college that was diverse, helped with academics, and provided scholarship opportunities. I received two scholarships which were really helpful to pay for a nutrition fee. I also currently work at the college as a student ambassador in school relations and receptionist at Student Success Center. Working, being a part of clubs on campus, and previously serving as a senator in a student government has helped me to gain a lot of confidence within myself and develop leadership skills. I always wanted to help my community and I’m glad that I go to a college that does the same. Through their Falcon’s Nest, they provide free resources like food, clothing, and housing to a student in need. I have used the services to get food and transportation, and one time received clothing after my clothes got ruined in the rain. Their efforts have inspired me to also volunteer at PIH Hospital where I visited patients and make sure supplies are stocked. As an aspiring nursing student, Cerritos College has done more than give me a knowledge about my major. They have given me a community, leadership skills, volunteer and professional experience. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.


– Thanks, Janvi. With all the good leadership and professional experience you gained at Cerritos, we know you’ll become an amazing nurse. It’s always important to have a strong community of support and resources when you’re looking for a great school, and you found that right here. Thanks again.

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