Global Experiences

Segment #9 from Southwest Baptist University


Attending SBU opens up a world of opportunities. Next we’ll meet Nathan, an accounting and economics finance major from Royse City, Texas, who has connected with a diverse group of students on the SBU campus. He also has traveled the world on academic end service trips. Nathan, tell us all about your amazing adventures.


– Hi everyone, growing up, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. While I knew I wanted to go to college, where I would go and what I would study, was entirely unclear. My senior year of high school, I took my first accounting class and completed my capstone on corporate fraud, which confirmed my desire to study accounting, but where? My brother actually started going here three years before me. So I was already familiar with the university. I was drawn to SBU’s College of Business because of their incredible job placement rates and pass rates on licensing exams. Since becoming a student, I’ve gotten involved with residence life and the CGC or Center for Global Connections. These organizations have connected me with the diverse array of students and faculty we have here on campus. I’ve also had the opportunity to travel abroad on mission trips and study abroad through the CGC. Freshman year, I went to the Philippines and Florida on mission trips. And more recently I led a trip to Utah. I also studied abroad for a summer in Jerusalem. My engagement with other cultures doesn’t stop with the CGC. As an RA in Landon Hall, I’ve had the opportunity to mentor and lead students from all different backgrounds and walks of life. Each day is full of new adventures. You can find me doing anything from tutoring students to learning, how to make Spanish omelets with residents from Spain or fried rice, with a friend from China. We may not be a large university, but that does not prevent us from having a diverse student body. During my time here, I’ve made friends from over 30 countries. These people have not only challenged me intellectually, but also encouraged and supported me. I could not not have asked for a better place to study. Thanks for letting me share my story, back to you Alex.


– What a journey you have had Nathan. SBU’s Center for Global Connections is a leader among Christian colleges in the U.S., for sending students on service projects around the world. The diverse student body also gives you opportunities to become acquainted with other cultures through friendships with your fellow students. And that is awesome. Take care.

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