Hispanic Serving Institution

Segment #8 from Kean University


Let’s head over to meet Raul. He’s a global business major originally from Venezuela. Kean’s Spanish Speaking Program, SUPERA, enabled Raul to attend college while he learned English and acclimated to living in the U.S. Now, he’s created the Adelante Business Club to help other Hispanic students succeed and reach their career goals. Over to you, Raul.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everyone. I’m from Venezuela. I escaped a political persecution that me and family suffered there. We came here in the United States looking for new opportunities. I will have the desire to serve people, and become as a successful business person. I believe, we are all interconnected, and we rely on one another to really make a difference in this world. I am a member of the Spanish Speaking Program, or SUPERA. This program has helped me to learn and adapt to the English language, and support me a lot with my transition to the United States. I was even able to take some classes in Spanish at first. This program inspired me to create Adelante Business Club. We helped students find and prepare for internship to help them set out for success. Through the Spanish Speaking Program and Adelante Business Club, I become a part of the best and fantastic Hispanic family inside the university. I understand what is to feel lost around different people, based on your language or even home country. As Hispanic serving institution, Kean University, helping students like me, the Spanish Speaking Program is here to help you too. Now, I feel like home at Kean University. I will have my first internship has a trader in Bank of America in New York city. I’m confident with my hard work and my new knowledge, I will crush it. That’s all for me. Alex,


– Way to go, Raul. It’s just fantastic, how you connected with the support of Hispanic community at Kean to help pursue your college education and launch your business career. And it’s great that you’re encouraging other Spanish speaking students through your business club. Best of luck for you and your next chapter as a trader in the big apple.

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