Live with the Pack

Segment #7 from California State University, San Bernardino


We’ll now meet a student athlete and resident assistant who has found a home at CSUSB. Criminal justice major Maame was selected for the Black Residential Scholarship Program and has created events that celebrate African American culture. She’s also established lifelong friendships along the way. Maame, please tell us your story.


– Thanks, Alex, hey, guys. I currently live on campus as a resident assistant and my experience with housing has been an amazing ride. I had many opportunities to build friendships that I’ll take with me in life. While being an RA, I was selected for the Black Residential Scholars. This living-learning community, one of many, is devoted to elevating the resident’s experience of Black students by providing residents with the academic, social and cultural resources. I embrace being Black and I never shy away from showing that. I want the African American community to feel the same way I do, so I make programs and events that are related to us. Programs that allow individuals to be themselves, get comfortable with the adjustments of living in dorms, relating to others, and creating bonds that can last through the years. The housing staff is a great help with bringing these programs to life. I think this was a perfect opportunity that has impacted me and can make the same impact for future Coyotes. Having this program has introduced me to many outlets and the diversity of our campus. Being a student athlete is also a major part of my life. Resources like the Study Hall and the Athletics Building have really helped me improve my grades and focus on school. I’m a student here first at CSUSB, and that much is very clear. When I first started college, I did not know what to expect. Now, being a Coyote here at CSUSB, I realized this has always been my home. Having great professors, advisors, and even mentors have shown me to take things as they go and life will always be here. I can’t wait to see the story you build here. And now that’s my story, thanks, Alex.


– Maame, thank you so much for sharing your story. The university is home sweet home to you and so many other Coyote residents who have found support and community while living with the pack. CSUSB offers inclusive living and learning environments at Coyote, Serrano, Arrowhead and University Villages. Take care.

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