Living Student Life to the Fullest

Segment #4 from Seton Hall University


If you come to Seton Hall, chances are you’ll run into Kai. He’s active in his fraternity, a student government leader, and even manages to hit the beach volleyball court outside his dorm. From Dallas, Texas, Kai wanted a diverse school with an active campus close to New York City. Seton Hall was the right fit. Kai, show us what’s happening.


– Thanks, Alex. Well, my family and I moved back from Kenya before my junior year of high school. I began looking for a college with a diversity of people and opportunities. And Seton Hall’s wide variety of programs and proximity to the cultural hub of New York City made it the school for me. It’s only my sophomore year, but I’ve gotten to do so much during my time here. I’m part of the Honors Program, Greek Life, along with the chess and volleyball clubs. I was also fortunate enough to receive a research fellowship. I’ve worked in the chemistry labs on my first semester freshman year, and I’ve loved every second of it. Outside the classroom, I’ve enjoyed the bustle of campus. There’s always something going on, whether it be a petting zoo on the Green, a carnival, concert, cheering on the Pirates, or the Christmas tree lighting ceremony. However, my favorite thing is the day-to-day interactions, whether it be hanging out with my friends on the Green, grabbing a drink at Dunkin’ or Starbucks, watching a movie in the residence halls, or just having conversations in the dining halls. These interactions are what makes Seton Hall feel like a second home. Seton Hall provides my fellow students and I tons of opportunities to find our place in the world. By interacting and learning from world-class professors and faculty, we are put in a position to become the best versions of ourselves. Beyond the classroom, Seton Hall hosts some amazing speakers who talk about the most fascinating and relevant issues of our time. On top of that, Seton Hall’s 150 clubs and organizations give students a ton of opportunities to find something they enjoy. I’ve loved my class and experiences here at Seton Hall, but more than that, I love the people. Because of this, I ran and was elected president of the Student Government Association, and I’m so excited to serve the student body in this capacity in the coming year. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.


– Kai, you are living your college dream. Congrats on the election. With 14 Division 1 Big East teams, intramural sports, a highly competitive eSports team, Greek Life, student clubs, a radio and TV station, and access to influential speakers like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Seton Hall is just awesome.

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