Academic Excellence

Segment #3 from Seton Hall University


Now it is time to meet Diana, who knew she wanted to be a doctor since she was a youngster. Diana chose Seton Hall because of its rigorous academics and stellar reputation in STEM fields. She engaged in four high-level research projects with her professors. Plus, she presented her soon-to-be-published research at academic conferences. Take it away, Diana.


– Thank you for that introduction, Alex. Growing up, I always wanted to be a doctor. So it was no surprise that Seton Hall was the first school that I applied to, especially since their STEM programs are known for their extensive academic rigor and preparation for graduate and professional schools. Here at Seton Hall, I engaged in four research projects, presented at academic symposiums and international conferences, joined five clubs including the Slavic Club, Chamber and University choirs, and studied abroad in Italy. After three years in the laboratory, my findings are in the process of getting published in a scientific journal. The clubs allow me to give back to the community and de-stress after classes. Studying abroad in Italy gave me a chance to learn more about Seton Hall’s Catholic mission and grow closer to my own faith. Seton Hall ships individuals who are well-rounded, aware of their surroundings, and who seek to make a change within themselves and their environment. Everything about Seton Hall has helped my academic journey and provided real-world applications for classroom material. Here, you can turn your projects into reality, work closer with faculty, and get significant help receiving employment or graduate school acceptance. There are always new research opportunities, a lot of which receive national grants. Scholarships are also readily available, and I’m graduating university completely debt-free. Seton Hall truly is a second home, a community that every student is proud to be a part of. Thanks to Seton Hall, I was able to strengthen my character, develop my leadership skills, do well on my MCAT, and achieve my dream of attending medical school. I was accepted to both medical school and surgical neurophysiology master’s program, and I’m extremely excited and grateful for everything Seton Hall has given me. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex. ♪ Hallelujah ♪


– Thank you, Diana, and congratulations on getting into med school and achieving your dream. You really made the most of your time at Seton Hall. SHU students, as they’re called, are exploring diverse passions and have experience from early on that helped them build a stunning portfolio and resume. Thanks again, Diana.

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