Segment #8 from The Catholic University of America


Let me introduce you to Matthew. Matthew is a mechanical engineering major from Bernalillo, New Mexico. As if that’s not enough of a challenge, he’s also part of the Navy ROTC program at Catholic U, which he says receives incredible support from the university. Tell us more, Matthew.

– Hey, y’all. So growing up, I always knew I wanted to be in the military. I never lived near the water, so naturally I wanted to be in the Navy. I enjoy seeing how far I can push myself. In high school, I did scouting and martial arts, and now in college, I do Navy ROTC and spend my free time working out and doing endurance events. I enjoy solving technical problems and building things, which is what led me to mechanical and aerospace engineering here at Catholic U. When I’m not in ROTC events, in class, studying, or working out, I really enjoy teaching others about health and fitness. I work at the fitness center on campus, the Kane, where I’m a personal trainer and group fitness coach. I am also the president of the CUA Home Front Club here at Catholic U, which works to bring members of each ROTC branch and veterans together on campus. The Catholic University has been extremely supportive of the ROTC program here. I will be the second class to graduate and commission out of Catholic into the Navy. In the past four years, the program has grown immensely in numbers and support. Catholic offers to give us transportation for early ROTC mornings, pays for our room and board, and has offered up facilities here on campus for any exercises. I’ve been blessed with a lot of great opportunities here at Catholic U. It’s where I trained for my first endurance event, where I pulled all-nighters studying equations of motion and system dynamics, and where I met my fiance. I can’t wait to graduate, commission into the Navy as an officer, and see what’s next for me in life. I am so happy I got to spend my last four years of college here at Catholic U. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex. 

That’s amazing, Matthew. We can’t wait to see what’s next for you either. From engineering classes, to ROTC events, to personal training, you’ve shown us the many growth opportunities Catholic U offers its students. Thanks again. 

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