School of Business

Segment #10 from Western Colorado University


Now we’re gonna chat with Garrett, a School of Business student double majoring in accounting and business administration, Western’s most popular major. Feeling fulfilled in a career is one of the most rewarding experiences college graduates look forward to. Garrett is here to share his journey from student to intern at one of the most cutting-edge aerospace companies in the country. Take it away.


– Thank you, Alex. What do you all think is one of the most important things to focus on early in a career? I’ve been told that building relationships is a crucial element of kick-starting life after college, and I’ve come to realize this as I gain more real world business experience. At Western Colorado University, the School of Business’s personalized approach to education offers students a phenomenal opportunity to begin building those relationships early. I’ve always enjoyed the small school feeling of recognizing everyone’s faces and receiving more personalized instruction from my teachers. My accounting professor is a perfect example of the quality instructors here at Western who have worked with me and countless other students to bring our passions into the classroom. I was hired as an intern by Lockheed Martin to help manage the contracts of NASA Deep Space Exploration missions. I’ve worked with the company continuously throughout the school year, and have been supported and encouraged by my professors to use what I learn at the company to enhance my learning at Western, and vice versa. For my accounting capstone final, I used what I learned about contracting with the government and combined it with an interest in ethics to give a presentation to my peers that genuinely excited me. By learning more about the fascinating history of the military industrial complex, I became more engaged in my work and in my education. Further, I was able to leverage the relationships I had at both my job and at school to gain further insight into the topic. Western understands how bringing your interests into the classroom enhances your education, and you build some great relationships in the process. I’m excited to take these lessons and apply them to life after college. Circling back to you, Alex.


– Though Western is a smaller school, it doesn’t mean students don’t get to pursue big professional opportunities. School of Business students like Garrett have gone on to land jobs and internships at Red Bull, Zillow, Starbucks, and many more places. There’s no limit to where Western students take their degree. That was awesome. Take care.

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