Science & Research

Segment #9 from The University of Texas at San Antonio


Let’s hear from Emily. Emily is a sophomore majoring in Microbiology and Immunology in the College of Sciences. They are part of UTSA’s federally-funded ESTEEMED program, which helps freshmen and sophomores develop as researchers and scholars. It’s just one of many programs at UTSA that seek to improve representation in STEM disciplines and to give students hands-on learning experience. Tell us more, Emily.


– Hey y’all. Growing up, some of my favorite questions always started with how or why. Some things that kept me up at night were how do puddle fish camouflage? Why are some fungi resistant to drugs? But most importantly, why do the scientists researching these things not look like me? When looking for a university, I wanna see research faculty and students who represented the diversity of our current day in age. The University of Texas at San Antonio and embraces this new generation of researchers. We are queer, people of color, female, male, and everything in between. Throughout the university, there are programs to lift and assist those who historically have not had a large voice in research, programs such as MARC, RISE and ESTEEMED offer undergraduate students a roadmap in funding to reach their research goals. The ESTEEMED Program helped me get into a research lab my first year here. Through the help of my faculty mentor, I developed a skillset and love for fungal mycology and its applications. Seriously, if you can’t find me, check the lab. This program further provided me with opportunities to network with faculty, alumni, and researchers nationwide. I’m allowed to be a scientist without sacrificing my culture or identity. As a Tier 1 institution, research and experiential learning at UTSA comes in many shapes and sizes. For me, it was getting to an awesome fungal mycology lab my first year here. For others, it may be doing a summer internship, studying abroad, or even participating in one of the many research showcases that happen throughout the year. Science and innovation do not happen by giving a megaphone to those who already have a loud voice. Research at UTSA does not strive to merely follow the status quo. We strive to break it. Back to you, Alex.


– Emily, it is so amazing to hear that you’ve had a chance to conduct and present scientific research so early in your college career and to know that UTSA prioritizes undergraduate research to help students like yourself prepare for their future careers. See you back in the lab.

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