Data Science

Segment #10 from The University of Texas at San Antonio


It’s time to hear from Jenelle. Jenelle is a senior from Lakewood, Colorado, and she is studying Computer Science with a concentration in Data Science. She’s involved in the Association for Computing Machinery here at UTSA and also in the annual RowdyHacks Hackathon. She’s gonna tell us more about data science at UTSA. Take it away, Jenelle.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everyone. When I started college, I knew I wanted to study something related to computers, but I didn’t know what. At the University of Texas at San Antonio, I learned a degree in tech could lead to many career paths, like application development, cybersecurity, systems programming, and more. At the School of Data Science, I have many opportunities to connect with fellow students, staff, and faculty. I get to hear technical talks from professionals through student organizations like the American Statistical Association. I get to take classes like data mining and deep learning, and I even get to apply my skills in 24-hour competitions like RowdyHacks and undergraduate research projects with professors. But the best part is the opportunities to learn more about data science are only growing. UTSA just opened a brand new building dedicated to data science in downtown San Antonio, the heart of our region’s tech corridor. Now, we have students, faculty, and researchers collaborating in all aspects of data science, like artificial intelligence and cloud computing, all under one roof. When I first started college, I never would’ve imagined I would find so many opportunities or such an incredible support system to prepare me for my career. I’m not only studying data science, I’m solving real world problems through internships and engaging cutting-edge ideas through undergraduate research projects. All of this is possible thanks to the skills I’ve gained and mentorship I’ve been offered through the School of Data Science. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.


– Jenelle, I can tell you’re taking advantage of every opportunity available to you as UTSA builds a world class data science program, and that you’re having a blast being a teaching assistant. I know we’re gonna hear more great things from you and the School of Data Science. Thanks again.

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