Service Mindset

Segment #8 from Quinnipiac University


From immersive internships, research sites and global engagement opportunities that emphasize the interconnected world we share, Quinnipiac is helping students make an impact locally, nationally and around the world  by helping them become enlightened and compassionate global citizens. Let’s meet Hannah, a junior Behavioral Neuroscience major to talk about the service mindset in Bobcat Nation. Take it away! 

What a wonderful introduction, thank you Alex! When I toured Quinnipiac University, I knew this was my home away from home. At QU, we value community, not only locally but globally. Quinnipiac offers many opportunities to give back by supporting communities near and far!  On campus, I’m a Resident Assistant, helping to create a safe and welcoming community with my residents! Through my role, I’m able to run programs and create lifelong friendships with people in my hall. My passion for science led me to becoming a QUADS mentor, which stands for Quinnipiac University Advancing Diversity in Science. This interdisciplinary program gives me the chance to mentor Connecticut high school students in developing science skills and knowledge. I’ve been able to share my passion for science with the next generation of scientists! One of the most memorable experiences of my college career was taking part in a week-long faculty-led course in Costa Rica. We worked with local partners to provide a health screening clinic for a Blue Zone community. My role was taking blood pressures, something I’ll do a lot in my career! Quinnipiac offers numerous opportunities to support the communities around us, which I’ve loved doing my whole life. There are student organizations such as the Community Action Project and Habitat for Humanity, events like the Big Event, which is our biggest, one-day student run service project, and QTHON, our dance marathon that raises funds and awareness for Connecticut Children’s Hospital. As team captain for our American Sign Language club, it was amazing to help raise over $125,000 last year. Quinnipiac strives to nurture and positively impact internal, local, and global communities. I feel I’ve been able to make an impact on those around me and I’m so happy I was able to show you around my home away from home, back to you Alex!

Thanks so much for sharing how you’ve been able to make an impact on campus, around Connecticut and in Costa Rica. It seems like students have a lot of service options they can choose from so they can make an impact. Thanks for sharing Hannah!


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