Student Access, Success, And Equity

Segment #4 from Roger Williams University


Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at RWU. Let’s hear from Dom, a senior legal studies and cultural studies major who is seriously busy and involved. RWU strives to offer a welcoming and inclusive community, affinity groups, clubs and mentoring programs. Take it away, Dom.


– Thanks, Alex. Hey, everyone. When I was applying to colleges, just like a lot of us, I didn’t know what I wanted to study. Roger’s support and guidance provided me with the direction to discover my interests and develop them to further my future career. There are plenty of ways to get involved and find your people in place on campus. I should know, I’m a part of The Barbershop which is an infinity group for men of color on campus. Through The Barbershop I’ve made friends that I know I’ll have for life. As an orientation advisor I get to mentor students, something I love doing. I get to work with other students and staff to help incoming students have a smooth transition. I also live in a living learning community called Black and Latinx, allowing me to live with students with similar backgrounds and interest as me. And I get to help host and attend campus events. I show off my musical skills and collaborate with other students as a part of the Musicians Guild Club and get to see what others have to offer at open mics and talent shows. What I love most, Roger has countless opportunities for students to get involved. Studying both legal studies and cultural studies, I’ve been able to apply my knowledge to real life situations and spread that knowledge to my fellow classmates. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.

– Dom, it’s awesome to see all the ways you found your people and place at Roger. Roger’s Intercultural Center supports BIPOC students by providing a space for social and educational outreach and the Queer and Trans Resource and Advocacy Center better known as Q Track, supports the university’s LGBTQIAP plus population. Thanks again, Dom. 

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