Student Life

Segment #8 from Lamar University


All right, everyone. Let’s meet Jacob. He’s a senior from Kountze and he’s gonna tell us about campus life here at Lamar University, plus some of the clubs and projects he’s part of on campus. Take it away, Jacob.

Hi, everyone. Going into college, I had no idea what to expect. I knew that I wanted to have the greatest college experience I could have, but I was really nervous about branching out and meeting new people. In high school, I was involved in band, so I decided to join the Showcase of Southeast Texas marching band. Not long into the football season, a few of my friends and I decided to apply to be orientation leaders and just like that, I became an orientation leader working for the division of Student Engagement at Lamar University. After working’s an orientation leader for one summer, I became a student orientation coordinator at Lamar University. While working in this position, I helped get other students engaged on campus by organizing and executing Lamar University’s two week long welcome events. Week of Welcome in the fall and Welcome Back Week in the spring. It was so much fun being able to coordinate events, from petting zoos to silent discos to first year games. I also learned very early on that Lamar is committed to student success. Classes are extremely important, but a true college experience combines the classroom experience with the relationships built in on-campus involvement and the things we learned off campus. This past summer, the Rio Honors College helped fund me and my friend to visit Alaska as part of the Partners in the Park program. While there, we were able to learn about the culture of people over 2000 miles away from Lamar University. That’s what I’m talking about, bringing what we’re learning in the classroom to life. Thanks for listening as I share my story, I know you too can have the experience of a lifetime at Lamar University. Back to you, Alex.

That is right, Jacob. Wow, you can really do just about anything here at Lamar. Jacob, thanks for telling us about student organizations here and showing us how easy it is to get involved in something you’re passionate about on campus. Thanks, Jacob.

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