Student Resources

Segment #7 from Lamar University


All right, let’s meet Landon, a graduate student focusing on human resources leadership. He’s gonna tell us all about how easy it is for students to connect across campus and take advantage of a variety of resources. Landon, please take it away.

Hey Alex. Thanks for the introduction. I recently completed my BBA in human resource management and minor in communications. Now I’m working on my MBA with an emphasis in leadership. I’ve had so many amazing opportunities such as having my own talk show called “Connecting with Cardinals.” being a Lamar University Ambassador, as well as being heavily involved within the College of Business and throughout campus. However, I would not be the person I am today without the amazing resources Lamar University provides. Lamar University has phenomenal student resources for students who need extra support, such as student tutoring and retention services better known as STARS around here, the Student Health Center and the Center for Career and Professional Development. There is always someone here to help on campus. They’re equipped to help every student in their unique goals, experiences, and situations. I’ve never had to wait in a wait list which is very beneficial whenever I want to handle something quickly. Through STARS, I was introduced to a success coach and fellow student who provided the tools to accomplish my goals and I was encouraged to connect with other resources across campus. Counseling at the Student Health Center can help provide you with the tools to have a healthy mindset and learn how to adjust between the stress and anxiety of being a full-time student. The Center for Career and Professional Development connects students with a career consultant specific to their major or college within the university. That really helped me build my resume and profile on LinkedIn. No matter your unique circumstances or experiences, the student resources are here to help you in your academic career. Lamar University cares about you as a student professionally and personally. Well, that’s all from me. Thank you for listening and back to you, Alex.

Thank you, Landon. I loved hearing your story about how the resources on campus helped you along the way. How impressive is it that you received your undergrad here and are now working on your graduate? Lamar must really have made a positive impact on you, which is fantastic, thanks again, Landon. 

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