Diverse Student Population

Segment #6 from Lamar University


Okay, everyone. We’re going to meet Antonio, who’s gonna tell us how Lamar University has worked in recent years to become more diverse and a better support and inclusive atmosphere. Antonio, you are on.

Thank you for that awesome introduction Alex, and hi everybody. I’m originally from Guanajuato, Mexico and came to this country in search of a top tier education around 10 years ago. Lamar University checked out the box for me with affordability, rigorous academics and an inclusive and diverse student body. As the first generation high school graduate in my family, I was afraid the high cost of college would stop me from pursuing a higher education, but Lamar’s amongst the top 10 most affordable colleges in Texas and still awards over 2000 scholarships, provides more than $10 million in assistance to students. One of these scholarships is this Smith Hilton Scholarship, which I was honored to receive. This scholarship targets low income, high potential incoming freshmen. It fully covers tuition, room and board, and books for all four years. After having seen my parents go through the immigration process, I always knew to pursue a career in law. Lamar University has an award-winning moot court team, a student-run competitive speech team, rigorous classes aimed at preparing students for law school and a diverse group of advisors and professors that deeply care about your success. Before I even came to campus, Lamar University showed me its mission of serving and empowering minorities by giving me the opportunity to attend the Leadership Summit along with other Hispanic and black students. The summit aimed to engage students on college and career readiness, identity and brotherhood. I honestly wouldn’t want to be anywhere else other than surrounded by driven, diverse and amicable cardinals who want to see each other succeed. I am thrilled to see what these four years have in store for me here at Lamar University. I rest my case. Back to you, Alex.

Antonio, it’s incredible hearing the passion you bring to Lamar University and we have no doubt you’ll make a killer attorney and thanks for telling us how Lamar University is working to become more inclusive of all students. Take care, Antonio. 

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