Student Organizations

Segment #9 from Xavier University of Louisiana


Getting involved on campus is a huge part of the college experience. Celeste is a senior majoring in public health science and has been a part of so many clubs and organizations during her time here. Tell us, Celeste, what are you up to these days?

Hey, y’all. Being a native New Orleanian, I practically grew up on Xavier’s campus. Between attending all of the Star summer programs hosted by Xavier’s science department throughout high school and being around alumni, family and friends, the campus under the green roof has always felt like home. Since attending those summer camps, I’ve always known that I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare right here. I have spent time as a peer dean student research assistant in the SGA presidential cabinet and in many other organizations but never really felt like I found my thing. Nearly 20 academic and department clubs and almost 40 special interest organizations are available on campus. In 2020, a group of students got together to create a new recognized student organization calling it the Women of Xavier. Just a few months later, the Covid 19 pandemic hit sending everyone home and making it virtually impossible for the new organization to grow. After returning to campus, the founding president asked me to take her position and grow the organization as she would be graduating that December. Our organization has created a safe space on campus for all female bodied and female identifying students to grow and network. We’ve been able to host all kinds of activities, service opportunities and kickstart several initiatives on campus. Xavier has afforded me so many opportunities to expand my knowledge, broadened my perspective on the world and empower myself as a young black woman in academia all while being surrounded by people who look like me. My time here has taught me that knowledge is power and that it is my duty as Xavierite to share my knowledge with those who haven’t been afforded the same opportunities in education as me. Well, that’s my story. Back to you Desi.

Celeste, it’s clear you have finally found your thing and it’s so inspiring to hear about what you and your club are doing on campus. Maybe I’ll swing by for the next meeting. Thanks again, Celeste. 

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