Student Organizations with Isaiah

Segment #1 from Southern University


Let’s hear from Isaiah, a junior from White Castle, Louisiana, majoring in marketing with a minor in public relations. Being new to college life can sometimes be difficult, but Southern helps students really spread their wings through countless organizations and initiatives that allow students to find their tribe and ultimately, themselves. Isaiah, you’re up.

– I got it from here, Desi. Thank you. Southern University is more than an institution. It’s a symbol of my heritage. Coming from a family of Southern alumni, being a part of the Jaguar nation has always been a dream of mine, and now I proudly embody the Southern values of academic excellence, dignity, and leadership. I started as a timid freshman, barely leaving my dorm room. I would watch an awe at the student leaders expertly balancing academics and social engagement. Coming from a predominantly white high school, I wasn’t used to seeing leaders who looked like I did, but here at Southern, it is totally different. This inspired me to be a part of something greater than myself. I didn’t know how or when, but I knew that I would be a part of this movement of empowering leaders at SU. The opportunity finally presented itself and I pounced as Jaguars do. I found my start in leadership at the Office of Student Media by writing articles in the award-winning “Southern Digest” newspaper, and eventually becoming a section editor. I even got the chance to represent the university’s newspaper in New York. My leadership journey then led me to becoming a director and founder for the Jaguar Activities Board, creating large scale programming for the campus community. This allowed me to help plan events such as Homecoming Week, which attracts thousands of people to our campus each year. I also serve as Mr. Honors College, championing opportunities for scholarship, service, and success through the Dolores Margaret Richard Spikes Honors College Southern University has changed my life forever from the people I’ve encountered to the outstanding curriculum offered here, I went from someone who was afraid of introducing myself in class to someone who leads board meetings confidently and courageously. Back to you, Desi.

– Thanks, Isaiah. As you can see, Southern is the place to be if you wanna break out of your social shell and still maintain a successful academic journey. Isaiah is navigating well as an honor student and student leader, continuing Southern’s tradition of student success. Thanks, Isaiah, for sharing your story.

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