Study Abroad and Learning Outside the Classroom

Segment #10 from Western New England University


Let’s meet Ally. She’s a junior from Dudley, Massachusetts and she’s taking the world by storm one trip at a time. She’s gonna tell us about the transformative study abroad program here at Western New England University, including her own recent trip to Sorento, Italy. We can’t wait to hear all about Alley, please take it away.

– Why, thank you, Alex. While choosing a college is a big decision, it was such a relief to find a home in Western New England University. The tight knit community and individualized attention here allowed me to explore all of my interests and find my place. One of these interests is traveling and seeing the world for myself. Ever since I traveled internationally with my high school, studying abroad has been a big item on my college bucket list. Western New England University’s study abroad program offers faculty led summer seminar trips, semester long experiences, and winter break opportunities so that you can participate on your own schedule. Plus, there is a wide variety of courses offered so that you can continue working towards your degree while you travel. Finding your place in the world is a major component of the WNE experience. Our study abroad program is way more than an excursion. It’s a transformative experience that crosses disciplines, cultures, and borders. You’ll expand your worldview and increase your understanding of our global society, it is truly life changing. When I heard about WNE’s summer session in Sorento, Italy, I was all in. In just three weeks, myself and 16 other WNE students explored historical and cultural sites such as the Ancient ruins of Pompeii and attended classes and demonstrations, including an authentic Italian cooking class. We spent time in and out of the classroom learning from our WNE professors about Italian culture and history and business communications concept. It was a dream come true to grow close with my classmates and make memories I’ll never forget. Regardless of what you want to do in the future, engaging in the global community through studying abroad will teach you lessons that will apply to both your career and your life. So, pack your suitcase and grab your passport for the trip of a lifetime. That’s it for me, ciao Alex.

Grazie Ally, there’s a whole big world out there and WNE is ready to help you explore it alongside your professors and classmates. It’s so cool to hear about how travel has changed your worldview and given you added benefits to your future career. Please keep us all posted on your amazing adventures. That was awesome, take care, Ally.

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