Undergraduate Research

Segment #7 from Texas A&M University


Texas A&M is a tier one research institution with state-of-the-art resources and world renowned faculty. Something unique to Texas A&M is their undergraduate research opportunities for students. Harrison, a senior from San Antonio, Texas has experienced this firsthand. He’s studying industrial and systems engineering, engineering project management, safety engineering, and applied ethical leadership. His research is helping create a safer world. Take it away, Harrison.

Thank you, Alex. Howdy. Entering college, I made it my mission to improve transportation safety. I had recently lost a high school classmate to a car accident and I didn’t want anyone else to go through a similar experience. Undergraduate research at Texas A&M empowered me to make steps towards creating safer roads for everyone. My research mainly focuses on driver emotional states, such as road rage, which can have severe consequences on the road. Developing an experiment to test methods of lowering emotional states was a long and challenging process filled with a lot of multidisciplinary learning and work between my lab and professional research institutions. But each challenge brought my research team closer to finding answers. I’m glad I got involved early with research at Texas A&M, it can be as simple as reaching out to your favorite professor. I’m also working to aid in the development of the next generation of aerospace safety instruments melding my academic knowledge with my personal experiences as a pilot. Over four years, I’ve learned a wide variety of skills such as physiological testing and programming for virtual reality, skills which have already landed me consecutive internships and yield promising prospects for my future career in the many realms of safety. But research at Texas A&M goes far beyond the field of safety or even STEM focuses. Over $1 billion in annual research funding contributes to advancements in social sciences, multicultural studies, business, public policy, as well as leading research, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Regardless of what you choose to pursue at Texas A&M, you have the opportunity to be on the cutting edge with undergraduate research, so give yourself the challenge of developing the future as an Aggie researcher. Thanks Alex, back to you.

Harrison, thanks for giving us a sneak peek at the research you are doing. As Harrison said, there are research opportunities for students on campus regardless of their major and classification. Imagine what you could discover with the guidance of acclaimed professors and elite resources, including two Nobel Prize winners. Absolutely incredible. 

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