Career Readiness with Isaac

Segment #8 from University of California, Merced


Let’s meet Isaac, a senior majoring in human biology from Riverside, California. Isaac’s journey is one of unwavering determination. Despite early medical challenges, he’s now dedicated to understanding the science of disease and working towards cures. UC Merced empower students, like Isaac, through research opportunities and clubs, fostering both academic and personal growth. Isaac, you’re on.

– Thank you, Alex. Hi, everyone. I grew up with a single mother and a little sister. My mom was the first ever to go to college in our family, and she even graduated with a master’s degree. I was always inspired by her and I knew I had to go to college. I wanna raise the bar even more and inspire my little sister to go to college too. When I was a little boy, I had a lot of gastrointestinal problems, and I spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals. My family and I had to make sacrifices for me to be where I am today. I was always angry, and I was confused, and I didn’t understand why I was sick or why other people had diseases and why there were no cures for them. And that’s why I became a human bio major because I wanted to understand the science of diseases. And more importantly, I wanted to help the world find a cure. UC Merced is helping me and other students reach their goals by offering amazing research opportunities and educational clubs, like the Field Curious Research Club. In FCR, we go on trips and learn how to properly conduct research and perform tests. Getting these experiences now in college will be so helpful in my future career and my future endeavors. Since coming to UC Merced, I’ve grown personally. I’ve learned how to be patient and how to form strong study habits and how to keep my head up. I’ve clicked with a lot of people here ’cause we all have a story. We weren’t just handed this opportunity. We worked hard and we deserve to be here. I am so grateful for my UC Merced experience, and I’m so excited to see what other opportunities in research and what my future holds. Back to you, Alex. 

Thank you, Isaac! At UC Merced, there are abundant opportunities for both research and personal growth. UC Merced’s recognition as number one in the UC system for student participation in undergraduate research and creative projects by “U.S. News & World Report” further highlights the incredible potential within the institution. The possibilities here are limitless. Thanks again, Isaac.

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