Divinity School with L’Tonya

Segment #9 from Shaw University


L’Tonya is a Shaw University alum who graduated with a Master’s of Divinity. With her full career behind her, she now has the benefit of putting her degree to work in her ministry and life calling as a hospital chaplain. At Shaw, she found a caring and supportive community who helped her reach her full potential. Take it away, L’Tonya.

– Thank you, Desi, for that lovely introduction. I’m originally from Wilmington, North Carolina, where I obtained my undergraduate degree in communications, with an emphasis on public relations. I worked my way through college at UPS, where I’ve been employed for the last 36 years and just recently retired. Shaw University is a school rich in history and accomplishments, but with a small town family environment. That’s one of the things that drew me to the school. I waited until I was 52 years old and had been out of undergrad for 30 years to start the journey of obtaining my master’s. I had taken a clinical pastoral education course for chaplaincy and realized that that was one of my gifts. In order to become a board-certified chaplain, a Master’s of Divinity is required. As an adult learner working full-time and raising two children as a single parent, Shaw and its staff met me where I was and ensured the completion of my journey. Now, as a proud alum of Shaw University Divinity School, I consider it such an honor and a privilege to share my journey. The sense of family within, and most importantly, the determination of each professor to ensure that students are successful in their endeavors is truly amazing. Shaw has enhanced my ministry by giving me the educational tools to be competent to stand anywhere in the world and proudly represent Shaw University Divinity School. As a result of obtaining my Master’s of Divinity degree at Shaw, I was able to retire from UPS, and now I’m working in my called career of hospital chaplaincy and doing church ministry. I’m so grateful for the people that I met at Shaw and the relationships that I’ve built that will last a lifetime. Back to you, Desi.

– What an inspiring journey. And how wonderful to know that individuals are fulfilling their life’s calling. Shaw University’s Divinity School prepares students for full-time ministry and enable students to use their vision and vocation to make an impact in their congregations, their communities, and the world. Thank you, L’Tonya.

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