Student Living / Residence Life

Segment #4 from Western Colorado University


Next, we’ll talk with Sakara. For many, college is a time of self discovery, where students learn who they truly are and the impact they wanna make on the world. For Sakara, honing her leadership skills was made possible through her involvement in diversity-focused clubs and living in a supportive on-campus community. She’s here to share how Western helped her realize her full potential. Take it away.


– Thanks for that intro, Alex. Hi, guys. So, growing up, I didn’t wanna be a product of my own circumstances. Instead, I wanted to build a platform for myself that started a legacy. So I wanna share to others just like you that you can build your own platform, so why not start that here at Western Colorado University? Western Colorado University is a place where I made long-term friendships and became a part of amazing clubs and opportunities. Becoming an orientation leader, I welcomed freshmen to campus, and it’s given me a chance to be a positive influence on students’ lives. As a minority, it can be very challenging to feel like you don’t belong. The Multicultural Center in the University Center is a great space that’s made me feel like I have a rightful place. WCU offers clubs like Black Student Alliance, Asian/Pacific Islander Club, Native American Student Council, and Amigos as a safe place for students from different backgrounds. Being a part of BSA has helped shape me into the person I am today, from talking to individuals from similar backgrounds and putting on events like Soul Food Night. This event brought so many students together with music, food, and games. Living on campus has exposed me to a variety of individuals from different walks of life as well. These diverse backgrounds have created a unique community, especially in the dorms. Western provides resident spaces for students to come together to study, play games, and even watch movies. Though I’m a minority, woman of color, and athlete that has overcome so much, and someone who was overall uncertain of what she could achieve, Western Colorado University has taught me that I’m capable of anything, and this campus has always had my back throughout the process. That’s all for me. See you on the flip side, Alex.


– Whether it’s in the classroom, the residence halls, or the Gunnison community, Western students know they’ll have the support, encouragement, and mentorship they need to reach any goals they set for themselves and gain an invaluable set of leadership skills they’ll carry with them far beyond the campus. That was awesome. Take care.


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